
How Parliament Works

Handbook and Reader for the Member of Parliament

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Discover the Parliament of Pakistan – YOUTH GUIDE

The Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) is mandated to conduct seminars, workshops and organize events to assist honourable parliamentarians in apprising the public about working of the Parliament and how they can engage with their representatives to contribute in the national development in line with the aspirations of the people of the most beautiful […]

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The Parliament, as the house of elected public representatives, remains a unique state institution that not only manifests aspirations of the people of the country but more importantly performs the demanding tasks of representation, legislation, oversight of the Executive and policy review that leaves no stone unturned in influencing, guiding and holding accountable any government […]

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Pakistan and Sustainable Development Goals
Data Book of Challenges and Achievements
(2nd Edition, 2022)

Pakistan’s Parliament was one of the first that embarked on strategizing and implementing thedevelopment agenda in accordance with the SDGs. The institutionalization process began with thecreation of parliamentary taskforces on SDGs at the federal and provincial levels, as well as theestablishment of the first global SDGs Secretariat. The country’s efforts to adopt and institutionalizethe global […]

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Parliamentary Research – A Practical Guide (Second Edition) 2020

This handbook equips parliamentary researchers with the fundamental concepts and principles of parliamentary research, the rationale and role of parliamentary research services. It also provides in depth understanding of the range of research products that can be developed as per need of the legislature.

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The Legislative Drafting Manual is an exciting guide for practioners engaged in drafting new legislative proposals or suggest improvements and amendments in the existing laws. This manual unravels the web of confusion and technical detail that surrounds legislative drafting and presents drafting in an easy-to-understand way. In so doing, legislative drafting is shown to be […]

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Implementation of the 18th Constitutional Amendment ( Case Study: on the Model of Communication (Federal Government-Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government))

This paper is continuation of series of publications that the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) has produced with the assistance of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) on the “Implementation of the 18th Constitutional Amendment”. This case study is unique as it documents new communication vectors between the federation and the federating units

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